Financing of rail infrastructure in Africa

Diagnostic Study of Railway Concessions and structured reform of sector financing of railways in Sub-Saharan African Countries, AfDB


To identify opportunities for financing the railway infrastructure in African countries. Options for rehabilitation of existing lines and construction of new lines. Optimization of maintenance structures and capacity provision.


Sub-Saharan Africa


October 2013 – March 2014


Infrastructure, Financing, Railway Policy, PPP

The railway infrastructure in African countries, especially in Sub-Sahara-Countries of Africa (SSA) is in very poor condition. To enhance the quality of infrastructure, options for financing have been evaluated. Mainly the administrative structures (authorities, infrastructure managers, ministries etc.) within countries, the structure of sustainable financial contribution and potential income for infrastructure charging have been discussed. Potential benefits from the liberalization of the railway sector have been discussed with bank and country representatives. Options for private investment in the sector have been evaluated and recommended. A comparison of rehabilitating existing lines vs. new lines has been provided

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