Enhancement of institutional structure in DGRR (Directorate General of Railway Regulation)

Technical Assistance Rail Regulator - Transport Ministry Turkey


The project aims to provide technical assistance and capacity enhancement to the Ministry staff in the department of railway regulation. Within the department the following four sub-departments are trained: Railway safety, Railway Regulation, Asset Registration, Logistics.




September 2014 – December 2014


  • Developing directives on safety, PSO, licensing etc.
  • Safety trainings on rolling stock (all types)
  • Safety trainings on infrastructure incl. Safety and Signalling devices
  • Safety trainings on operations procedures etc.
  • Trainings on market regulation
  • Trainings on PSO calculation
  • Trainings on Track Access Charges and network statement development
  • Training on time tabling and planning principles
  • Training on methods for logistics village funding evaluation
  • Training on methods for cost benefit analyses for investments
  • Conducting site visits and study tours international and national
  • Provide action plans and implementation procedures
  • Provide monitoring and evaluation mechanisms

Trainings consist of benchmarks, best practice and provision of examples from international experience as well as methodological trainings on principles in cost-benefit and economic analyses, cost calculations, Fee and Tariff calculations (such as Track Access Charges and charges for application procedures etc.), subsidy calculations (such as PSO and MAC) etc.

For safety different subjects have been trained on infrastructure, rolling stock, operations and other safety relevant topics to implement a common safety system according to European standards.

The development and implementation of basic contracting negotiation with operator and infrastructure manager on costs and subsidies have been carried out. Respective directives have been formulated and finalized with the stakeholders during such training and workshops.

Finally procedures and process in the Ministry work as an important authority in the railway sector have been implemented to allow the railway sector to become liberalized according to the European standards and rules.